Caterpillar’s online web platform, VisionLink Productivity, has been enhanced with the introduction of three new features – Cat Grade and Compact, Operator Coaching, and E-Ticketing. This unified platform is designed to give managers insights into jobsite productivity and equipment utilisation.
Cat Grade and Compact enables 3D design files and updates to be seamlessly distributed to all machines at the jobsite, eliminating the need for USB uploads.
Operator Coaching is claimed to be a powerful tool that helps operators of all experience levels to enhance their skills, efficiency, and productivity.
Cat Payload E-Ticketing brings convenience, eliminating the need for manual or printed tickets generated by onboard Cat Payload systems. Key personnel can now receive an electronic copy of the tickets via email, including detailed information on individual buckets, total payload, truck, and material type. Key performance indicators tracked by E-Ticketing include ticket count, average truck rate, pass count per ticket, and total ticket payload.