ERA Awards Genie Z™-60/37 Fe Hybrid Articulating Boom ‘Rental Product Of The Year 2017’
Among the eighteen rental companies and equipment manufacturers from 12 countries that were on this year’s shortlists, Terex Aerial Work Platforms (AWP) is proud to announce that its Genie Z™-60/37 FE hybrid articulating boom was named ‘Rental Product of the Year’ by the European Rental Association (ERA) at the European Rental Awards. With sustainability in mind, “This is a true four-by-four hybrid machine designed for indoor and outdoor use and with low fuel consumption,” said the judges.
“The ERA ‘Rental Product of the Year’ stamp has long been synonymous with product excellence and innovation that guides fleet owners to the best new products on the market”, says Joe George, Genie VP & Managing Director, Terex AWP EMEAR. “We are delighted to have won this award, which is a tribute to the entire global team involved in the design, engineering and manufacturing of the Genie Z-60/37 FE boom. This machine takes hybrid technology to a whole new level, and the recognition of ERA validates that Genie’s legacy of more than 50 years supporting the growth of the powered access industry by driving innovation and introducing pioneering technology is the right approach for our rental partners and their customers.”
For Adam Hailey, Director Product Management, Terex AWP: “As a result of its unique three-phase AC power system, the 20 m (65 ft 7 in) Genie Z-60/37 FE boom is the first and only true high performance hybrid unit on the market. Providing the choice of two modes of operation, this machine offers rental companies a versatile, sustainable and powerful ‘two-in-one’ solution adapted to indoor as well as outdoor applications, even where on-site electric power is not available, besides offering the economy of between 15 to 30 euros of fuel a week and running more than 8 hours with just a full bunk of battery charge overnight.”
Mr. Hailey continues: “While capable of delivering the power of traditional 4WD diesel machines, thanks to its two interchangeable operating modes, the Genie Z-60/37 FE only utilizes the fuel or electricity it needs – as efficiently as possible. To extend run time it also stores energy produced during braking to recharge its batteries, further maximizing range. Even the hydraulic system has been specially designed and tuned for optimal efficiency! For rental companies, this machine needs less maintenance than diesel-only machines but the bottom line is increased rates of utilisation while remaining sustainable which is just what they are looking for to rise to the challenges of today’s increasingly competitive and environment-friendly market.“
For further information on Genie UK click here