i.safe MOBILE, one of the world’s most innovative developers of mobile communication devices for use in hazardous areas, has launched its new corporate website.
The site is available in three language versions (German, English, French), focuses on improved usability and offers customers, partners, journalists and applicants around the world a comprehensive information and service portal for explosion- proof and robust mobile communication solutions.
The company is thus continuing its objective of further increasing global brand and product awareness, of expanding its service platform for customers and partners, and also offering a knowledge hub on the subject of explosion protection and technology.
Interactive information and service portal
With the relaunch, i.safe MOBILE presents its customers and partners an industry- specific B2B platform where all topics regarding equipment selection, service questions, local branches and contact persons can be found interactively in a user- friendly way.
“With the new website, we want to further increase our brand awareness as a global technology leader and underline our company philosophy with its focus on outstanding customer service. Thanks to the good usability, the interactive structure and the responsive design layout, we offer our users a clear platform with information, product selection, service topics and, as an additional added value, an explosion protection news and knowledge database,” says Anja Mahler, Head of Communication & Global Marketing at i.safe MOBILE.
Clear layout and content
The new i.safe MOBILE website is clearly divided into different product categories for the corresponding explosion protection zones 1/21, 2/22, the robust industrial sector and the mining sector. The mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, peripherals and accessories are clearly presented visually in a 360° view on the respective product page. Matching accessories such as charging systems, bags or headsets are listed directly on the product page for each product. The new product comparison function and a product finder, which can be used to search for suitable products for the favorite zone or area of application or for country approvals, provide the customer with an additional decision-making aid when selecting a product.
The “Support” category has been divided into a repair and download area for further technical product information. In the service portal, customers can contact the support directly via a digital ticket system. Registered customers can view the current repair status online at any time in the repair portal. By entering the IMEI or serial number of the device, it is possible to check the warranty status online.
Global knowledge database for explosion protection topics
The integrated knowledge portal offers users the opportunity to learn more about explosion protection in general, certificates, standards and special terms in the field of explosion protection.
Information about the company
In this category, customers, partners, journalists and job applicants can gain an insight into i.safe MOBILE’s company history and learn more about the company’s vision and mission. In the news section, journalists can find out about the latest news from the company. Another point is trade fairs and events at which the company is represented. Job offers, application opportunities and everything about the company’s corporate social responsibility concept can be found in the “Career” and “Engagement” sections.
Contact options
The “Contact” category provides customers and partners with an overview of the worldwide i.safe MOBILE sales contacts, sales partners and contact options, including sales, service and location searches.
Due to the constant expansion of the worldwide service and customer structure, further language versions will be added to the website in the near future. The website will be continuously filled with industry-specific content and application- related expertise such as use cases. A project planned for the near future is a separate login area for i.safe MOBILE partners around the world.
Technical implementation
The website was created in TYPO3 and linked to the product information management system. This means that all product data is always up-to-date for customers and partners and product materials such as data sheets, flyers etc. can be generated in real time via the website in future.