The latest from Xwatch Safety Solutions

The latest from Xwatch Safety Solutions

Developed to protect operators of mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs), the latest equipment from Xwatch Safety Solutions features advanced height and slew limitation controls that continuously monitor the machine’s highest points.

The operator can then set the controls to stop the MEWP from going beyond safe boundaries, a common cause of accidents in restricted or crowded spaces when the machine crushes operators against ceilings or comes into contact with overhead hazards such as live cables.

Compatible with scissor lifts, boom lifts, and truck mounts, the system’s key feature is its fail-safe, fully automatic operation. If a control system fails, the MEWP defaults to a secure state, mitigating accident risks. This feature simplifies the operational process and reduces the need for extensive control system training.

The system also provides full power for moving away from a limit, ensuring quick and safe responses in potentially hazardous situations. The controlled motion technology guarantees stability and precision when the MEWP is extended to high elevations.

An optional chassis sensor further enhances safety by adjusting for terrain slope, ensuring stable and level operation even on uneven ground when outdoors.

According to the company, the system is approved for rail use, indicating its suitability for demanding applications and compliance with strict safety standards.

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