Over 100 guests recently attended the inaugural Kleemann Technology Day, held at the Wirtgen Group’s new UK headquarters in Newark, Nottinghamshire.
Kleemann, the worldwide leader in the mobile crusher and screen market, organised the interactive event to showcase its latest product range and highlight to guests how the investment made by the company in its new headquarters will further improve their after-sales and support services capability in the UK.
Over the course of the day, Kleemann customers had the opportunity to hear about the company’s future plans from Wirtgen Group’s CEO, Domenic Ruccolo, as well as meet with members of its UK team. Outside, in the new facility’s dedicated demonstration area, they were also able to see demonstrations of a number of machines including the MS703 MOBISCREEN, MC09Si MOBICONE, MC110Z MOBICAT and the MR110Z NOBIREX.
Commenting on the day, Wirtgen UK’s Managing Director, Paul Holmes, said: “The excellent attendance at our recent Technology Day reflects the continued high level of interest in Kleemann’s mobile crushing and screening equipment. Outstanding product quality, coupled with our increased spare parts and servicing capability, means we are confident that this will continue to be one of the Group’s fastest growing markets.”